To give a brief definition for those who aren't familiar with the biblical definition of the word -Grace is undeserved mercy. Grace is undeserved love. Grace is undeserved forgiveness. In other words, Grace is something [good] that you and I definitely do not deserve, but has been offered to us for us to receive it.
As Christians, an initial knowledge of Grace will make us aware that through it, we are saved from the consequences of sin (i.e. spiritual death, eternal death, punishments). Grace will save us and cleanse us after we sin. It will give us hope even after giving in to temptation, knowing that God's Love is everlasting (Jeremiah 31:3), and He has promised forgiveness for our sins (I John 1:9). In other words, Grace will help us survive our Christian Lives as it would save you from the punishments for sin.
However, as you grow deeper in your relationship with God, and as you read His Word more, you will find out about the NEW power of Grace. I call it NEW simply because it would be new to you (if you have not known it before, that is). Actually, it has been there from the beginning, but it is only now that you are starting to understand this power (once again, that is if you have not known it before). Grace not only has the power to cleanse you after you sin, it also has the power to keep you from sinning in the first place! Grace could not only save you from the deepest corners of hell, it also has the power to take you the highest of heaven! It will not only help you to survive the Christian Walk, it would also empower you to live it [to the fullest]!
The bible warns us from having a form of godliness but denying its power (II Timothy 3:5). Those people who continuously speak about Grace but at the back of their minds, believe it simply as an excuse to sin and as a means to remain in their weaknesses, and also a reason to stop growing and maturing as Christians, are clearly in the wrong. No one could correctly and completely identify these people because only God can see the heart. But if you have assessed yourself as such, then it's high time to grow in the new knowledge of Grace and its power. It's time to get updated to the latest news. Read your bible and find out. Check this out: If God says that you could do all things through Him (Philippians 4:13), then you can do all things through Him! You could succeed over temptations through Him! If God says you have the ability to love your enemies and bless those who curse you(Matthew 5:44), then you can love your enemies and bless those who curse you! If God says that you are an overcomer (John 16:33), then you my friend, are an overcomer!
Grace gives us freedom. And to be honest with you, no matter how many times you may have fallen to sin, God's Grace is always more than enough. But you must not forget one thing: Freedom is to be regarded as a means, and not as an end in itself.
The Christian Life is not difficult my friend, it is impossible! God's standards are impossible to be reached. But because of Grace, which came through the death of Christ on the cross, the impossible has been made possible. If God says you can, then who are you to tell yourself that you can't? You can!
That's the power of God's Grace! :-D
© 2010, Karl Zion M. Remojo
...thank you for that beautiful reminder. :)
It is a reminder for all Christians and of course for all the people who don't know God. And it teach me a lot of ideas that i can use in my Christian life.. And the Grace of the Lord is so POWERFUL.. And the Grace of the LORD is enough for me. I need only to acknowledge Him as my LORD and personal savior and the one who only controls my life.. :) Thank You my beloved Cell Leader Karl Zion M. Remojo for this simple essay but changed me..
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