Friday, October 2, 2009

The Only Worthy Thing

Lord Thou hath picked me for no logical reason
Thou hast picked me out of Thy Love
Before I was even born, Thou knowest me
Before I was made, loveth me, Thou hast

The Best, Thou hast given me- Thyself
No good thing hast Thou withheld
To this unworthy soul Thou hast grant
--The Greatest Love. To his understanding -beyond

Yet for some reason, or a couple of them
This soul has strayed, from Thy Presence
To find its way to its own desires
And follow his heart, 'cause it seems right

But through the years, this soul foundeth
That Thy Love is Firm, better than anything
This soul however, knowest not what to do
For far from Thee, he has gone through

Wept, this soul hast, till tears were none
It cried out loud till its voice was gone
"Bring me back to Thee" --it uttered and begged
Thou Art The Only Worthy Thing –it said

My sins are many, my faults countless
Hypocrisy and pride, I, they consumeth
Come like a flood, and sweep Thy servant
Thy Peace and Joy: to anything –more than

Tasks are many; special people, abundant
Distractions are plenty and responsibilities, important
But I’ll leave it all, and in Thy Secret Place, sing
For Thou Art The Only Worthy Thing!

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